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Reaching out to the lost, hurting, and broken should be our primary focus as the Church of Jesus Christ. In that, we are called to share the Gospel in love and truth with our community, nation, and world. 


There are various ways that Trinity Bible Church reaches out to those in our lives, neighborhoods, and greater communities with the love and message of Christ. Below are brief descriptions of our outreach ministries. 

care & serve Ministry

When Trinity members need a helping hand, other Trinity members are ready with their time, resources, skills, and general heart of service to come to their aid. We've established the Care & Serve ministry to match those in our church body with a heart to serve with those in need.


Here are a few examples of the type of services we often provide:

 - transportation to and from medical or other important appointments

 - computer or phone assistance

 - provision of meals

 - yard, carpentry, or electrical work

 - any variety of clean-up or fix-up tasks



If you need help of any kind or are interested in becoming part of our Care & Serve Team, please email us at

Outreach Ministry

Throughout the year, Trinity is a part of various outreach events that are specifically designed for drawing people in to our church who wouldn’t normally visit. We also "go out" by participating in local community events and activities to show the light and love of Jesus to those in our community.


If you are interested in becoming part of our Outreach Team, please email us at

Nursing Home Ministry

With the lead of our senior's ministry, we do monthly services and outreach to local nursing homes to share love and the message of Jesus Christ with our elders. These normally include offering communion, worship, and Scripture messages led by various leaders and deacons in our congregation. This is one of the easiest and most fruitful ways to see the effect of sharing love with those in need. 


If you are interested in becoming part of our Nursing Home Ministry, please email us at

Supporting Missions

Trinity has a long-standing legacy of financially supporting local, regional, national, and international missions that offer help, support, and the message of Jesus Christ to those in need. Every month Trinity Bible Church gives to various organizations as a church-wide tithe/offering (on average, 10-15% of our income). We see this as a tangible way to carry out the heart of outreach and our duty, as wise stewards, to Christ.

Mission Trips

As the hands and feet of Jesus, we believe in the importance of doing mission trips, both locally and globally, as a demonstration of how we should be every day in our indvidual spheres of influence. TBC has sent groups to Jamaica and Haiti in the last decade to serve in feeding the homeless, caring for children, and providing physical labor. We do all of this with the mindset of sharing the love and message of Jesus Christ. In our sanctuary, you will see hanging flags that represent each country that mission groups have visited. We aim to continue sending more groups on mission trips, both locally and around the world, in the future.

TRINITY Bible Church

We exist to:


reach people with the love and message of Jesus Christ.


make disciples who will make a difference.


make Christ known in our community, nation, and world.



99 Truck House Road

Severna Park, MD 21146

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©2024 Trinity Bible Church. 

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